Stems + Containers
Square Box, 8″ / Z CW019
Wood Box, 4″ / CW021
Wood Box, 8″ / CW016
Crystal Block Vase, Box of 1, 3.75″ / CG164
Crystal Block Vase, Rectangle, Box of 1, 5.75″ / CG169
Crystal Block Vase, Rectangle, Box of 1, 7.25″ / CG168
Crystal Block Vase, Short, Box of 1, 4.5″ / CG171
Crystal Block Vase, Short, Box of 1, 4″ / CG172
Crystal Block Vase, Skinny, Box of 1, 5.75″ / CG167
Crystal Block Vase, Skinny, Box of 1, 9″ / CG165
Glass Bottle, 16″ / CG014
Glass Bottle, 6″ / CG067
Glass Bottle, Box of 2, 20″ / CG005/2
Glass Bottles, Box of 12, 6″ / CG026/12
Glass Bowl, 5″ / CG038
Glass Bowl, 8″ / CG083
Glass Bowl, 9″ / CG090
Glass Bowl, Box of 12, 3″ / CG059/12
Glass Bowl, Box of 2, 6″ / CG092/2
Glass Bud Vase, Box of 3, 12″ / CG100/3
Glass Bulb, Box of 4, 6″ / CG037/4
Glass Candleholder, 10″ / CG033
Glass Carafe, 10″ / CG029
Glass Cylinder, 10″ / CG051
Glass Dish, Box of 2, 5″ / CG082/2
Glass Flute Vase, 22″ / CG043
Glass Flute, Box of 2, 14″ / CG088/2
Glass Flute, Box of 4, 22″ / CG040/4
Glass Goblet, 7″ / CG002/3
Glass Pedestal Urn, 12″ / CG149
Glass Ribbed Vase, 9″ / CG057
Glass Square, Box of 2, 6″ / CG062/2
Glass Vase 5wx14h, 14″ / CG073
Glass Vase, 10″ / CG071
Glass Vase, 10″ / CG074
Glass Vase, 11″ / CG049
Glass Vase, 12″ / CG053
Glass Vase, 14″ / CG018
Glass Vase, 14″ / CG055
Glass Vase, 16″ / CG065
Glass Vase, 20″ / CG032
Glass Vase, 5″ / CG077
Glass Vase, 7″ / CG031
Glass Vase, 7″ / CG072
Glass Vase, 7″ / CG075
Glass Vase, 8″ / CG009
Glass Vase, 8″ / CG070
Glass Vase, 9.5″ / CG079
Glass Vase, 9″ / CG008/3
Glass Vase, 9″ / CG056
Glass Vase, Box of 2, 20″ / CG066/2
Glass Vase, Box of 2, 8.5″ / CG034/2
Glass Vase, Box of 2, 8″ / CG058/2
Glass Vase, Box of 2, 9″ / CG054/2
Glass Vase, Box of 3, 7″ / CG006/3
Glass Vase, Box of 3, 8.5″ / CG010/3
Glass Vase, Box of 3, 9″ / CG003/3
Glass Vase, Box of 3, 9″ / CG007/3
Glass Vase, Box of 4, 2″ / CG064/4
Glass Vase, Box of 4, 4.5″ / CG093/4
Glass Vase, Box of 4, 7″ / CG063/4
Glass, 13″ / CG028
Glass, Box of 12, 1.75″ / CG048/12
Glass, Box of 12, 3″ / CG045/12
Glass, Box of 6, 6″ / CG011/6
Mercury Glass Vase, 17″ / Z CG025
Shells Assorted, Large Bag, 4″ / AC02/12
Shells Assorted, Small Bag, 4″ / AC03/12
Amaryllis, Box of 12, Faux, 23″ / RSF001/12
Anemone, Box of 12, Faux, 19″ / KSF020/12
Anemone, Box of 24, Faux, 13″ / GSF709/24
Anemone, Box of 24, Faux, 13″ / PSF046/24
Anemone, Box of 24, Faux, 13″ / PSF047/24
Anemone, Box of 24, Faux, 16″ / PSF227/24
Antherium, Box of 6 / WSF127/6
Anthurium, Box of 12, Faux, 31″ / KSF029/12
Anthurium, Box of 12, Faux, 32″ / GSF012/12
Apple Blossom Branch, Box of 12, Faux, 42″ / KSF055/12
Apple Blossom Branch, Box of 12, Faux, 42″ / KSF555/12
Apple Blossom Branch, Box of 12, Faux, 52″ / KSF556/12
Apple Blossom Branch, Box of 6, Faux, 49″ / KSF054/6
Apple Blossom Branch, Box of 6, Faux, 49″ / KSF554/6
Azalea, Box of 12 / WSF334/12
Bean Spray, Box of 12, Faux, 36″ / GSF013/12
Bean Spray, Box of 24, Faux, 25″ / GSF014/24
Berry Branch, Box of 72, Faux, 15″ / BES005/72
Cabbage Rose, Box of 12, Faux, 25″ / OSF042/12
Camellia, Box of 12, Faux, 34″ / KSF056/12
Camellia, Box of 12, Faux, 34″ / KSF057/12
Chrysanthemum, Box of 24, Faux, 18″ / PSF241/24
Clemantis, Box of 12 / WSF122/12
Dahlia, Box of 12 / WSF031/12
Dahlia, Box of 12, Faux, 25″ / YSF023/12
Dahlia, Box of 12, Faux, 27″ / KSF106/12
Dahlia, Box of 12, Faux, 27″ / OSF038/12
Dahlia, Box of 12, Faux, 27″ / KSF011/12
Dahlia, Box of 12, Faux, 27″ / KSF058/12
Fruit Branch, Box of 24, Faux, 22″ / BES008/24
Ginger, Box of 12, Faux, 36″ / GSF058/12
Gladiola, Box of 12, Faux, 34″ / WSF001/12
Gladiola, Box of 12, Faux, 34″ / KSF454/12
Gladiola, Box of 12, Faux, 34″ / OSF296/12
Gladiola, Box of 12, Faux, 34″ / GSF116/12
Gladiola, Box of 12, Faux, 38″ / OSF297/12
Gladiola, Box of 12, Faux, 43″ / OSF271/12
Gladiola, Box of 12, Faux, 43″ / GSF115/12
Gladiola, Box of 12, Faux, 46″ / KSF453/12
Helleborus, Box of 12 / WSF074/12
Helleborus, Box of 12, Faux, 19″ / PSF002/12
Hydrangea Bouquet, Box of 1, Faux, 13″ / GSF019/1
Hydrangea Bouquet, Box of 12, Faux, 13″ / GSF019/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12 / WSF157/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 15″ / KSF023/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 19″ / KSF486/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 24″ / BSF002/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 24″ / BSF005/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 24″ / KSF059/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 24″ / KSF060/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 24″ / KSF061/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 24″ / KSF062/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 24″ / PSF048/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 25″ / GSF042/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 25″ / GSF713/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 25″ / KSF063/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 26″ / GSF020/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 26″ / KSF107/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 26″ / WSF035/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 29″ / BSF214/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 30″ / PSF182/12
Hydrangea, Box of 12, Faux, 30″ / GSF118/12
Hydrangea, Box of 24, Faux, 13″ / PSF560/24
Hydrangea, Box of 24, Faux, 13″ / WSF026/24
Hydrangea, Box of 24, Faux, 13″ / KSF064/24
Hydrangea, Box of 24, Faux, 13″ / PSF050/24
Hydrangea, Box of 36, Faux, 18″ / KSF104/36
Hydrangea, Box of 6, Faux, 28″ / PSF019/6
Iris, Box of 12, Faux, 27″ / BSF186/12
Ivy Bush, Box of 6, Faux, 27″ / GSG184/6
Kumquat Branch, Box of 12, Faux, 52″ / GSG201/12
Lavender, Box of 24, Faux, 14″ / BSF162/24
Lavender, Box of 6, Faux, 26″ / GSF049/6
Lilac, Box of 18 / WSF124/18
Lilac, Box of 24 / WSF185/24
Lily Asiatic, Box of 12, Faux, 22″ / OSF274/12
Lily Asiatic, Box of 12, Faux, 22″ / OSF275/12
Lily Calla, Box of 24, Faux, 32″ / OSF330/24
Lily Day, Box of 12, Faux, 30″ / OSF273/12
Lily, Box of 12, Faux, 17″ / KSF037/12
Lily, Box of 12, Faux, 18″ / KSF013/12
Lily, Box of 12, Faux, 18″ / GSF017/12
Lily, Box of 12, Faux, 31″ / OSF001/12
Lily, Box of 8 / YSF563/8
Lily, Casablanca, Box of 12, Faux, 33″ / OSF289/12
Lily, Faux, 41″ / GSF025/6
Mum, Box of 12, Faux, 34″ / PSF017/12
Mum, Box of 24, Faux, 28″ / KSF108/24
Mum, Box of 24, Faux, 28″ / WSF036/24
Mum, Box of 24, Faux, 28″ / YSF024/24
Myrtle Crepe, Box of 12, Faux, 17″ / KSF006/12
Orchid Cattleya, Box of 6, Faux, 35″ / GSF565/6